Saturday, May 20, 2006

Some things just can't be explained

I read the tragic story of Kyle Ambrogi this morning. I can't lie and say this story didn't touch me. I can't stand suicide. Hate it. Perhaps it's because I don't understand it. This kid seemingly had the whole world at his feet, but there was something desperately wrong with his life that it caused him to commit suicide. Just let this be a sign to all of us that we need to enjoy every minute we get to share with our loved ones. We don't know how many more we're going to get.

1 comment:

RebeccaMcCormick said...

You're right, Bret. You can't read that story and not be touched. And it's so easy just to blow off somebody's seemingly casual comments about 'wanting it all to be over.' Thanks for a painful heads up. And thanks for reminding me to let other people know how really important they are.