Sunday, February 22, 2009

A new blog (such a creative title)

At the risk of sounding cryptic, which I don't want to be, please keep us in your prayers this weekend. There's a good opportunity that we're hopeful about, but I don't want to count any chickens before they hatch. More info will come at a later time.

So while most of my friends are thinking about a party coming up next week, I'm thinking about a party coming up in a couple of weeks.

The big 2-7. Let's P-A-R-T-Y! I'll be the first to admit that I've never been all that big on the whole birthday. Give me a little bit of money (thanks Mom and Dad!) and say happy birthday. Yay, now let's move on. However, my wife is a big birthday celebrator, so I've started to come around to this whole celebration.

And strangely enough, while most people put less emphasis on their birthday as they get older, it appears I'm backward and am placing more on it each calendar year. So on March 8, I'll be turning 27. There's nothing monumental about it. It's not 18. It's not 21. It's not 25. Not that those days were very monumental to me any way.

But just like this New Year was a unique one for me, so is this birthday. It's the first one on the newest chapter of my life, the first one I've ever spent outside of Louisiana (you know, besides that actual "birth" birthday) and one where I can really sit back and reflect on everything that has happened since I turned 26.

It's been a strange couple of months, honestly. A tough, trying time for obvious reasons. So I'm ready to party. I'm going to enjoy this birthday. And it looks like it has the makings of a really good party, with family and friends from all over converging on Pineville for a combo birthday bash/annual Granger crawfish boil

I can't tell you how excited I am about this. There are faces I haven't seen in awhile that I'm ready to see again, and honestly, I'm not sure how many more times I'll get everybody together like this. Sure, there will be holidays. But not everybody will be together. That's why I'm so excited for this one.

If you can make it, I want you there. Friends, family, everybody. Let's have a big party for the big 2-7!!!


misti said...

Hooray!!!! Gonna be good times. And crawfish......I'ma eat y'all under the table.

Just kidding, I tend to hold back in front of people I don't know. Can't speak for Mr. Walker, though, sheesh...

Praying for y'all for tomorrow!!

misti said...

P.S. - Mardi Gras is fun stuff! I'm not Catholic either but I LOVE it. Maybe y'all can come to the Lake Chuck one with us one year...