Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Yearning for more or perfectly content?

I'm in the mood to write, but not just about anything. About something interesting. Which brings up quite a conundrum. There's not much interesting about my life.

I read my friends' blogs, or at least the few of my friends who actually keep up with their blogs on a semi-regular basis, and I'm always fascinating by how interesting their lives are. Honestly, I have some pretty interesting friends. They're outgoing, social, funny. Why are they friends with me?

Elizabeth and I live a pretty simple life, and honestly, we like it that way. We like to travel, and try to take a couple of "big" trips every year, as well as side jaunts to see our friends in north Louisiana or family members throughout the state. But other than that, we pretty much go to work, play with our dog, relax with each other, go to sleep and wake up to do it all over again. Now, don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with that. We are content with our lives. But it doesn't actually make for very interesting blog material.

Take today, for example. I was at work at 9 a.m. Worked on a couple of stories about local lawsuits, and trust me, there is nothing interesting about reading and digesting 50-plus pages of legal jardon about alleged fraud and racial discrimination. Check that ... there's obviously something interesting those topics to some people, just not for me. Reading legal jargon has to be the worst part of my job. Please keep me out of the courthouse!

I worked from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., working on the two lawsuit stories, as well as my weekly Sunday anchor "city notebook," which is basically a compilation of little tidbits that happen throughout the week that don't necessarily warrant their own individual stories. It's just a hodgepodge of different things. The only semi-interesting part of today was The Town Talk's Christmas luncheon. That was good food and some good time chatting with co-workers, who I see every day but don't always take the opportunity to slow down and have a conversation with.

After work, I went to my officiating meeting, where we discuss interesting stories that happen during games and get our assignments for the next week(s). Tonight, there were no interesting stories, unfortunately. I wish there were, so I could relate them in my blog and have something interesting to write about!

Oh, well. Maybe there will be some stories that develop this weekend, when Elizabeth and I will trek up to north Louisiana for the weekend. The plan is to head to my mother's on Friday night, spend Saturday morning and afternoon with her, my stepdad, my nephew Connor and my niece Kori, and then head on over to Ruston to watch the Saints game with my buddies A-Dawg and K-Rob on Saturday night. Then, on Sunday, we'll have Christmas lunch/party with the buddies and spouses. Hopefully, there will great stories to share from that!


misti said...

Well I KNOW you aren't talking about us, because your days sound a lot like ours. Work, school, home, talk, eat, tv, bed...lather rinse repeat, save the "busy" stuff for the weekend.

And like you, I think it's a rather nice routine :)

Penny said...

You sound like my students, lol, when I told them to keep journals. Everybody's life is interesting!! Yeah, everyone goes through the "lather rinse repeat" of the day to day grind (and who doesn't do that??), but it's the details in the day that make each day unique. =)