Sunday, January 31, 2010

Going to the 'Big D' ...

For the past couple of years, I've gotten into an almost weekly bonding exercise with my in-laws. Every Sunday evening (except for the six months that I was stuck in Texas purgatory) E-beth and I cross the river to have supper at her parents and watch the PBR.

(Note: Those of you who know me -- and if you're reading this blog, then you obviously know me -- can testify that I am not a cowboy. I am not a bullrider. It's safe to say that I wouldn't exactly fit in very well behind the scenes of the Professional Bull Riders tour.)

My in-laws have been following the PBR for quite a few years, and I don't remember when exactly, but I casually began watching it with them on Sunday nights. Those casual viewings eventually turned to something more than casual. Don't get me wrong: I am by no means a fanatic, and I can certainly survive without the PBR. But I have come to enjoy it, honestly.

Like many other sports that I watch, I know the athletes. I'm not exactly sure if that's the right word. After all, most of these guys are shorter than I am, and certainly are much more crazy than I am, but you have to have some type of athleticism to continue taking the constant pounding that they take every single weekend. That's something I can respect. But it's not just the riders. I know the bulls too. Just as easily as I can point out Kody Lostroh, J.B. Mauney, Guillerme Marchi and Travis Briscoe, I can tell you all about Bones, Code Blue and Chicken on a Chain. Don't ask. I can't explain it.

I've been to a couple of the smaller events -- the PBR has its top tour, the Built Ford Tough Series, as well as a couple of minor leagues similar to baseball where young up-and-comers and older retreads attempting for one more shot at the show battle it out -- in Monroe and in Kinder (which I actually covered for the paper I work at). But I haven't been to a BFTS event, although that's going to change this month.

For my birthday, my in-laws bought me two tickets (one for me and a "friend" who they happened to assume -- wisely -- would be their daughter) to my first BFTS show. It also will be my first trip to the new Cowboys Stadium, when the PBR invades for a unique one-day event, the Iron Cowboy Invitational, which will be a little different than most events. Usually, the riders will compete for either two or three rounds, with the top 15 riders returning for a final round to determine a champion. It's usually a Friday-Sunday or Saturday/Sunday event.

The Iron Cowboy Invitational, however, is a one-day event which will pay the winner about $250,000. The top 24 riders -- the top eight in last year's standings, as well as the highest 16 in this year's standings as of last night -- will compete in a bracket-style competition against the best bulls on tour. It's the best riders vs. the best bulls -- a PBR fan's dream. I'm honestly very excited about it, but I'm even more excited about getting to watch it in Cowboys Stadium with that massive jumbotron!


misti said...

This was hilarious...I think I need to hear more about Chicken on a Chain.

I dragged Alan to the Houston rodeo while we lived there. He actually enjoyed it too, although he was embarrassed of me the whole time...I cheer for the cows.

E-beth said...

Where's the blog about Ryley???? She wants her own blog