Friday, August 28, 2009

Sad times

I haven't written in a while. That normally happens when I have a job where I write all the time. Which is now.

But I've got something to say, even if it's brief.

I went to the visitation tonight of a co-worker's daughter. She was 3 months old when she died suddenly on Tuesday. When I saw him tonight, it just about broke my heart. Seeing that beautiful little girl lying lifeless did break my heart.

We never know why things like this happen. I'm sure my co-worker and his wife are searching their hearts as to why this lovable little girl was only here for 3 months. I told him to cherish those 3 months. They are better than zero months.

Tonight once again reiterated that life is so precious. You can be perfectly fine one day and gone the next, like this little one who was taken from us far too soon. It once again reminded me that I take every day for granted far too much, that I don't talk to my friends and family nearly enough, and that I honestly and truly do not live life to the fullest. Will I change? Probably not. But it's nights like these that make me want to.

For those of you reading, thank you. I love you and think of you often, even when you don't hear from me for weeks and months at a time. I'm sorry. I will try harder. I say that all the time. I mean it tonight.