Thursday, December 24, 2009

Have you ever regifted?

I'm working on a story today (Christmas Eve ... yes, I'm working ... ugh!) about regifting -- which is essentially the practice of recycling a gift you received but don't want by giving it to a friend, family member or co-worker. It's an interesting concept and made me wonder if anybody out there has ever regifted?

Not going to lie, there have been some gifts that I would have loved to give to someone else. And I have returned a couple that I simply didn't want. But I don't ever remember giving a gift I received to someone else. Have you?

The stats show it's a growing trend, and while there's been a stigma attached to the practice and people have kept it secret, it now apparently has become such a common practice that people are open and honest upfront that it's a regift. I just can't imagine telling a friend, "Hey, this is a gift I didn't want, and since I didn't care enough about you to actually go pick out something special for you, why don't you take this gift that I don't want?" Just seems shady to me.

What say you?

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