Tuesday, May 30, 2006

All sports ... all the time

Let's dive right into the sports talk ...

Yeah right!

I know everyone out there wants an update on what's going on down here in Alexandria. Well, we're in the house. Tonight is our first night, and let me tell you, for all the trouble I've gone through already with this place, it's very rewarding to know the bed I sleep in tonight is in my very own home!

Boxes are everywhere. It's still a big, fat mess. But Elizabeth and I are home. We've got telephone service, cable and the Internet. So, as the Taco Bell commercial says, I'm good to go. We've the bed made up -- with our new sheets and comforter. I'm just very excited to be home -- and although Ruston has been home to me, this is MY home.

I've almost completed my first project. Without getting too nasty or descriptive, I had to take down all the air vents from the ceiling and clean them. After being soaked in Chlorox and water to kill the mold (after being soaked in water and Simple Green, then scrubbed by yours truly, I was told about the quicker, much more effective cleaning manner), the air vents were spraypainted white to make them look (almost) as good as new.

Well, I guess that was my third project. The first project was painting. The living room and dining room are (for the most part) done. The living room is done -- walls and trim on the bottom. We still have future plans to do some more around the windows, but I don't know when we'll get to that. The dining room -- the one we glazed -- actually turned out fantastic! It's a very pretty room. Elizabeth and her mom did a great job in there. We still need to paint the trim in that room, but we bought that paint tonight. Further plans are to repaint one of the bedrooms (which right now is set up as a nursery -- very pretty, but not us) and then to pain the den/computer room (TECH BLUE, BABY!) The second project was fixing the cabinet above the refrigerator -- which used to be the cabinet that was in the way of our refrigerator going where it needed to. Mr. Raymond and I took care of that project, and he also helped out a great deal over the Memorial Day holiday. Honestly, he was a life-saver. I'm trying my hand at this handyman stuff, and Mr. Raymond has showed me a great deal of tricks already.

Well, there's so much more that needs to be around here. Thankfully, we can relax and breathe a little, knowing we have plenty of time to get all of those chores done. One thing that has surprised me is just how truly big this house is -- 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchen, living room, den and dining room. And besides the kitchen, which isn't small by any means, all of the rooms are BIG. Very big. I didn't realize how big until we got all our stuff in here. Our apartment was small and cozy. Our house is nice and big. I'm looking forward to filling it up ... in time.

1 comment:

RebeccaMcCormick said...

What a wonderful testament to your dedication and commitment to each other and to your marriage! Congratulations on a great start.

P.S. Mold requires an extra measure of cautious vigilance. Ask my sister, Teresa, who is currently dealing with the na$ty invader in her home.