Monday, December 07, 2020

Day 3: It's back to work ... well, sort of

Today was Day 3 in isolation, but the first work day. I spent most of the day on my laptop, making myself available to students who had questions about their various assignments. A couple of students reached out about my Covid diagnosis with well wishes and/or questions about what that meant for them. I worked on some social media posts for Facebook and Instagram. I caught up on some yearbook work that I fell behind on. Because today was the deadline for my Publications students to turn in their stories for the next edition of the newspaper, a good chunk of the rest of my week will focus on editing those stories and getting the paper ready for print. The show must go on, even if I’m not there physically.

As far as how I’m doing because many people have reached out to ask, and I can’t express how appreciative I am, I’m still relatively symptom-free. The fever still hasn’t returned. I checked it a few minutes ago, and it’s 97.7. I haven’t been at or above 98.6 since Saturday. I did feel a little more sluggish today. I don’t know if that’s because I actually did some work, spending hours in front of my laptop screen, or if it’s just because it’s Day 3 of being cooped up in a confined space. I don’t feel sick. I just don’t feel great. I imagine it’s going to be a blah kind of experience the rest of the week.

I did take a nearly two-hour nap at the end of the school day. I was exhausted, but that’s really not anything new. Once I slow down on a typical day, I crash. I haven’t been a big napper until the last year or so. I guess getting to my late 30s has made me slow down a little. I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that I don’t get an adequate amount of sleep on a regular basis.

My nurse delivered me a Pop-Tart (upon request) for breakfast and made me two turkey, ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch, loaded with meat and just a hint of mustard, exactly like I like it. And for supper, my mother-in-law dropped off some sausage-and-potato soup that was so delicious, as well as some banana pudding. So far, I’m eating well but also cutting down on my snacks and drinking a whole lot more water than normal. So far, through three days I have gone through 14 bottles of water. And my nurse refuses to deliver me any carbonated beverages. She says I need to hydrate with water, water, water. Even though I’m not able to move around much, I’m still hopeful to actually lose some weight during this quarantine because my eating habits will be so improved and my water intake will be so much greater.

I’m going to sign off for the night. It’s only 8:35 p.m. right now, but it feels so much later, despite that nap I had earlier. I’m sure I will be closing my eyes much earlier tonight and hopefully getting a full night’s rest.

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